My journey began when I hit the age of 50 and a friend of mine lent me the CD of The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. This introduced me to the concept of the Law of Attraction. This was to mark the start a journey of discovery and some 4 years later here I am creating a web site for all those wanting to learn about meditation. I read so many brilliant books with each book leading to another. It seemed as if the perfect next book was magically placed in front of me. I joined a spiritual development group and learnt how to use meditation to meet spirit guides, carry out distance and reiki healing, provide earth healing and to obtain guidance on my life purpose and direction in my life. When that group folded, I then attended a Mind Body and Spirit Fair playing music and selling my spiritual art and CD's and met a person who invited me to attend a reiki sharing group. I met wonderful people in this group who continue to help me on my spiritual development journey.
As well as being a lawyer, I have composed music since the age of 12 years old. In recent years, I have been composing music for meditation and healing purposes and have started producing guided meditation music and videos. Some of this music is featured on this web site.
This web site is part of my journey of discovery and an attempt to give back some of the knowledge I have picked up on the way. There is a lot of excellent resources out there but there is a need for a guide to help people through the minefield. There are so many reasons why the world would be a better place if we all meditated. Meditation is bringing yourself into the present moment, turning off the chattering mind and give yourself time to become aware. Where are you going? What guidance do I need? How do I resolve the issues ahead of me? How can I help others either spiritually or by providing healing? All of these questions and so many more are answered in meditation.
My intention is to grow the web site organically and build upon firm foundations. My greatest desire is that the contributions of others will help me build this into a vast and comprehensive resource for those wishing to meditate or use meditation to further or grow their spiritual awareness.
Dominic Beeton
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